
Oh the melodrama...

This weekend we got to enjoy some time up at my in-law's cabin at Christopher Creek. It was about 20 degrees cooler up there, and so relaxing. Well, sort of. Olivia had a hard time sleeping. She missed a couple naps and had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep at night. So that was not quite so relaxing. But still we enjoyed a trip to the fish hatchery... well 10 minutes of it anyway (who knew they closed at 3:30?). Was more fun than I thought it would be. We also got to see the most hilarious and wonderful melodrama. It is put on by the Christopher Creek Branch of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Most of the people who live up there are pretty old.. and the people in the melodrama were no exception. I'd say the youngest member of the cast was about 65. The opening act was an 88 year old lady doing a "Minnie Pearl" impersonation. She is the grandmother of 30 something kids, and the great-grandmother of 108! And she sang her little heart out. I hope I'm that fun when I'm 88. I think melodramas are just so fun... and when the actors are all senior citizens it was all the more entertaining. The rest of the time we relaxed with our friends and their kids, and played some games and watched some movies.
However, we took the in-law's van up the cabin, and Aaron's dad came up later with his car. And we took the van home, and Aaron's dad would take his car home, since we were traveling with more people. Well... when we got to Payson (about 30 miles away from Christopher Creek) we realized our house keys were with Aaron's dad! I really didn't want to turn around and go all the way back. So Aaron and Austin broke into our condo in about 5 minutes. Glad to know it was that easy.


In the blink of an eye...

Olivia has changed so much in such a short period of time. Seeing babies born the past couple of weeks made me realize how much she really had changed. I can't believe how fast time really does go.
From this...

To this...


How did I get to be so old?

So Olivia is still congested. I feel just awful for her. But I think it's getting better. Every day I'm thinking this HAS to be the last day she's going to be like this. But then it continues. And yet she's still as smiley and chatty as ever. I think I have the most talkative baby I've ever seen. She babbles from the moment she wakes up until she falls asleep. And sometimes in her sleep, I think. It's very cute though, I'm def not complaining.

Last night Aaron and I went on an amazing date to see Deathcab for Cutie at the Mesa Ampitheater. It was an awesome show. I really did have a great time, even though Olivia was never out of my thoughts. It's so hard being away from her for so long. We dropped her off at 6:15, and got home at about 10:15. The band played some awesome songs that were really fun to sing alot to with my hubby. The weirdest thing was feeling like I was in the older age bracket. Looking around and seeing all these people who looked SO young... and then I realized they were probably at least 18... and that's just crazy. Plus I also realized I am so out of touch with what's cool. There were so many kids dressed like straight up hippies, I thought I may have missed the memo to come dressed as your favorite decade. But apparently the tie dye look is in? I never thought I'd be the mom sitting there commenting to her husband about what kids are wearing these days. Glad I have my teenage sister to keep in touch. It's funny because Deathcab has such a variety of fans. Kids super young were there, and there were people old enough to be my parents (I wonder how they felt about all the scantily clad hippies). Well great time, great friends, and Olivia was just fine without us.

The old foggies rockin out with the kiddo's.


No Excuses

That's my new motto. Why is it hard to do the things we know are best for us? I have been pretty good at running/walking or some form of exercise every day, but when Olivia got sick that was my excuse not to do anything... and of course I gained weight back. So there are a few things I made excuses for a lot. Like reading scriptures every day (where's the time??), taking my Reliv (I'm already full, I'll take it later...etc), cleaning the house (where to start!), and of course exercise. Somehow there's always time to blog, or read blogs... and there's always more room in my tummy for ice cream or sweets, and sometimes I'm convinced my body needs more sleep not exercise. But no more! I'm putting an end to all the excuses. Reliv twice a day, every day no matter what. I know this will help me with my other goals because it gives me so much energy and helps me feel all around good. Reading scriptures is a given. When our lives our in tune with the Spirit things are just better, aren't they? And having a clean house will be absolutely a stress relief for everyone.. just gotta get a routine down. And I'll exercise every day whether I lose weight or not because it helps me feel good. Yeah. So now that I've blogged it, I guess I better go do it.


3 months

Olivia was 3 months on the 10th. Time is flying by. She rolled over from her tummy to her belly today. She's done that before but I never caught her in the act, and it never seemed intentional. Today she knew what she was doing. She has been sick with a nasty cold for about a week now. Its heartbreaking. But she's definitately getting over it.


Daddy's Day

Happy Father's Day, sweetie. I know you'll probably read this at work tomorrow, and you've already heard all day how great you are, but once more never hurt. Mostly I love you, because you make me laugh like this.

And you're a great dad too. Love you


New Laptop!

So Olivia is now 3 months... I was posting some cute pictures the other day when our laptop finally gave out. So hopefully I can get it to turn back so I can retrieve my pictures, but in the mean time... YAY FOR NEW LAPTOPS! Fantastic. But Olivia is sick and cranky, as a result I'm cranky and tired. Hopefully tonight's better than last. Sick babies are the absolute worst.


New Kids on the Block perform on the Today show

Gave me goosebumps. Seriously, lets go.

They're Back!

Oh yes, that's right. NKOTB reunion that we have all dreamed of since the early 90's is finally underway. October 13th Jobbing.com arena. Tickets range from 32.50-75.00. Anyone up for a girls night out? Who was your favorite new kid?


Blessing Pictures!

Olivia and her cute cousins... of course my child is barefoot :)

Here are some pictures from Olivia's blessing... just a couple weeks later :)


Baby Olympics

It's funny... you try not to compare your baby to anyone else's because they all grow at their own rates, and eventually all healthy babys walk, and talk and become a functional part of society, so does it really matter if my baby is trying to crawl at 12 weeks? No, not at all. In fact it worries me more than it makes me all proud because my house is no where near baby proofed. And our little squirmy wormy is starting to move around. On her tummy she kind of "army crawls". She'll push and drag herself. She's not getting very far yet, but she sure wants to be on the move. I'll try later to get some good video footage of her olympic strength.

It's crazy watching her grow and develop at this stage. It's still a lot of work to get a giggle from her. She gives smiles much more freely now, and I've gotten a giggle here and there, but it takes a lot of work! It's funny to see how grown adults act around a baby trying to get it to giggle. So fun.

Nap schedule is still funky. I struggle to get her to sleep more than 45 minutes. I ordered a Miracle Swaddling Blanket today. My sis-in-law swears by them. I swaddled Olivia really good last night (she actually didn't get out of it) and she didn't wake up at all until 6:00am. And she fell asleep at 9:00pm. No waking for food or anything. Woke up at 6 happy and ready to go. I fed her, changed her, and played with her for about 40 minutes and then she started yawning. So I swaddled her again, laid her down and in 20 minutes she was asleep and has been ever since. And it's 9:40! So she's been asleep for almost 3 hours. I'm not sure if I should wake her up or not. But of course with that statement I just heard her start to fuss. lol, isn't that how it works?

I also began a scrapbooking project. I'm really not that much of a scrapbooker, although I admire those who do. So I'm going to do one cute page for a shadow box that, and I'll put her hospital braclet and little hat thing in it. We'll see how it goes. I found a bunch of cute stuff on clearance at Target yesterday.

Well better go get her before her fuss turns into screams.