Welcome to the land of long days and short nights. Days that drag, and years that fly. Little sleep and lots of tears. But even more love and laughter. Where ice pops cure everything (almost), and kisses are given freely. Lullabies are sung out of key, and laundry never gets put away. This is my life as a mommy.
Happy Halloween!
Olivia got a second wind after a few minutes of seeing all the kids. It was an uphill battle getting to her sleep once we got home! But now she's finally asleep and I should be too. So goodnight. Hope you had a happy halloween!
Happy Birthday...
This is my favorite face.
Playing outside! (Look closely on her right side to see black eye.)
Please don't call CPS...
Well let me explain. She's 7 months old now and getting into everything. Trying to pull herself up on everything, and then tries to walk. A few days ago I was painting our bathroom. I look over at Olivia in her playpen where I thought she was safe, but somehow something in there had wet paint on it, and of course she was eating it. A quick phone call to the poison control center assured me all she needed was a drink of water and she'd be fine.
The electrocution was more of just a shock, but she was eating the end of an extension cord, that was apparently plugged in. I feel most guilty about this one, because she was sitting in my lap and I didn't even think, "Oh extension cord in my baby's mouth, this can really only end badly."
And the head injuries are multiple, as she keeps pulling herself up onto EVERYTHING, stable or not. There was a coffee table and Grandma and Grandpa's cabin that Olivia liked to pull herself up on. It had the pointiest corners ever. Of course Olivia found that out with her right eye. It was horrible, and I think I cried as much as she did.
So the house is going to stay messy for a while, because I'll be busy protecting my baby from any more serious calamities.
ps- sorry that last video isn't working. I'm not sure what I did wrong, I'll try to figure it out while she's asleep.
Yay videos!
So here is Olivia crawling, sort of. This about a month old already! She has gotten quicker, and better form :) She now gets up on all fours and gets around pretty fast. And here's a picture right before the bonk that led to her bruise.
So proud that she pulled herself up! (And sadly two seconds later falls to her right and hits her head on that side of the crib)
Also, right now she has a nasty cold. So it's been sleepless nights, wiping noses, lots of fluids, many tears all around. And I think there's a tooth about to break through. Worlds of fun at the Opie house lately.
I think I did it! And this video is really only cute if you listen muted without my commentary. But now that I've figured it out I'll be posting some more videos. But it took FOREVER to upload to youtube. And when I tried to upload directly to blogger it not only took forever, it kept having errors. Maybe it was too big. Well here she is eating, not her most exciting trick, but fun for family and friends to see her in action :)
100th Post Ya-hoo!
Olivia is almost 7 months old now. Wow! Some things she's been up to:
- Pulling herself up on absolutely everything
- Trying to "cruise" or walk along the couch or her crib, holding on and taking little steps. (this is often resulting in a fall, which sometimes doesn't even phase her anymore.)
- Crawling everywhere
- Emptying anything she can reach
- Eating anything/everything she finds
- Waves "hi", but not bye. She also sounds like she's trying to say "HI" when she first sees you. She'll make this throaty H--h-h-h-iiii sound. It's really cute, hard to explain, wish I could figure out how to put videos up on here.
- Her best friend is still the scarecrow hanging on our door. She now anticipates seeing him when I open the front door and gets and smiley and excited.
- She will still only laugh at other kids. We occassionally get a chuckle, but I think it's more of her pity laugh.
- She is never content to be held and cuddled, she always wants to be on the go. Except in the middle of the night, and first thing in the morning. So I'm not really trying to get her to sleep through the night. She wakes up once for a cuddle, and I'm okay with that.
- Although she doesn't want to be held, she does want your undivided attention. And if she doesn't want it, she needs it because she's probably getting into trouble.
And that's about all the highlights. She's almost 19 lbs, and I'm not sure how long, probably around 27 or 28 inches long. Oh yeah, she also says dada a lot. Never mama. She even tries to repeat most sounds you make at her, like "Alll done" she'll mimic back something that sounds close. But when you say mama, she says dada. :)
First Egg
Olivia is pulling herself up in her crib (at 6 months!). She is really proud of herself when she does this, and its so cute. She smiles so big.
Well she pulled herself up, but then let herself go and fell SO hard into the side of her crib. The sound was seriously awful. She has big old bump and bruise.
Sadly, I know this will be the first of many.
Any suggestions on keeping her safe in this klumsy stage?